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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Why was this webpage created?
This webpage was created for Focus Project 2: Quality of Life Investigation. The purpose of this webpage is to
convey information about the aspects of quality of life in Canada and Jamaica, and propose solutions to their problems.
What was used to create this webpage?
The layout graphics were created in Adobe Photoshop and the layout was coded from scratch in Notepad.
Who are the creators of this webpage?
Krista de la Rama, Joshua Liu, and Lauren Wood.
I have a question. How can I contact you guys?
Head on over to the Contact Us section, our emails are listed there.
Did you take all of those photographs?
No, we borrowed them from other websites. Credit is given by listing the sources from which we got each image.
To see the source, just put your mouse over the image and the source will popup in a little box.
Can I take your layout graphics?
Absolutely not. Doing so would be an infringement of copyright.
Can I copy your information word for word?
No. That would be plagiarism. Look it up.
Can I have your website when you're done with it?
Ummm... no...?
A Krista de la Rama, Joshua Liu, and Lauren Wood Production | 2002-2003