Comparisons on Canada and Jamaica
Canada and Jamaica’s economies are very different. While Canada’s economy is continuing to bloom, Jamaica’s is continuing to tumble over and over again. Their main industries- alumina and bauxite- are going to no longer be sought for in the future as new technologies are now the choice of trade. On the other hand, Canada’s economy is thriving with technological innovations as well as our natural resources. Oil is currently the gold of mankind, and Canada maintains a large supply of it. As stated in the economy section, oil prices in Canada have jumped up, boosting our economy. Unlike bauxite and alumina, oil will continue to be coveted globally. Likewise, with Canada’s leading freshwater supply- our natural resources are as good a trade material as our technology.
Unfortunately for Jamaica, they don’t have the education or the skilled workers to have technological innovations. In fact, they currently have to rely on their primary resources. As a result, their economy continues to tumble and tumble. Tourism is no longer an important source of money, due to recent terrorist attacks. The fact that most of Jamaica is in poverty doesn’t help at all. The statistics clearly speak that Jamaica is in trouble, and needs to act quick to get back into competition in global trade. The major problem with Jamaica is that their expenditures are continuing to be larger then their revenues. As a result, they are experiencing a vicious cycle of a growing national deficit. Jamaica’s government needs to look out to industrialized nations like Canada and the United States for help, especially skilled workers to jump start their failing economy.
However, both countries are having their own problems with unemployment and poverty. While Canada has a lower percentage in both, they also have a larger population. In both countries, a government program needs to be created to somehow educate the unemployed and the poor. In a world that revolves around money, there are too many people who are born poor. Poverty never results in good for an economy. It may seem unlikely that too very different economies could have some of the same problems, but it’s possible- and its happening.
Canada and Jamaica are slowly moving apart in economical status. Canada’s economy is thriving and Jamaica’s is taking a dive. As stated in the economy section, Canada’s GDP per capita is about $24 000 higher than Jamaica’s.1 Furthermore, Jamaica’s 9.8 billion GDP is nothing compared to Canada’s $875 billion!2 In fact, while we are making a national profit of $17.2 billion a year, Jamaica is losing $330 million a year!3 The fact is, Canada has a better foundation in all areas than Jamaica. Our education, healthcare, and economy systems are among the best in the world, while Jamaica’s are among the worst. As industrialized nations like ours continue to grow, others like Jamaica continue to worsen.
As you can see, the Jamaican education system is very different to that of the Canadian education system. It has some structure, but it does not receive the government help that it needs. Canada’s education system on the other hand, has structure and receives a lot of government help, although it could receive more. There are many different factors that influence the support and funding from the government and other organizations. For example, because Canada is such a multinational and bilingual, schools, especially in Toronto need additional funding to accommodate for special programs. Jamaica does have a lot of immigrants, therefore they do not need all the additional funding that Canadian schools do. It has some structure, but it does not receive the government help that it needs. “The Jamaican literacy rate is 85%, compared to that of Canada which is 97%.”4 As you can see, the literacy rate in Jamaica is more than ten percent less than that of Canada. This indicates that in Jamaica only 85% of the population can read, but mainly that not as much of the Jamaican population attends school compared to Canada. The structures of the two education systems are also very different. Also, Canada has a lot more schools than Jamaica, with much better facilities, mainly because Canada is a wealthier country and is supported more by the government and other educational organizations. In a way, the educational systems. Also the testing and entrance exams are very different to those in Canada. The Jamaican education system requires that every student take an exam in order to continue on with their education in secondary school. Any student in Canada who has completed junior kindergarten through to grade can enroll in secondary education without taking an exam.
Both education systems are clearly different, yet we do not know the actual quality of the education being taught in schools in Canada compared to the schools in Jamaica, therefore it would not be fair to say which education system is truly better, because it is the actually teaching that makes for a good education system, although the literacy rates could be a good indicator of this. In the long, run I would say that the Canadian education system would provide a more structured, and dependable education for students.
Comme vous pouvez voir, le système d'éducation jamaïquain est très différent à celui du système d'éducation canadien. La system d’éducation jamaïquain a une certaine structure, mais il ne reçoit pas l'aide de gouvernement dont il a besoin. Le système d'éducation du Canada a de la structure et reçoit beaucoup d'aide de gouvernement, bien qu'il pourrait recevoir plus. Il y a beaucoup de différents facteurs qui influencent de l'appui financière du gouvernement et d'autres organismes. Par exemple, parce que le Canada est une pays multinational et bilingue, ses écoles, particulièrement dans la région du Toronto ont des programmes spéciaux, et plusieurs cours dans plusieurs différents langues, dont ils besoins de l’argent pour garder. La Jamaïque n’a beaucoup d'immigrants, donc ils n'ont pas besoin de tout l’argent additionnel que les écoles canadiennes reçoivent. Mais, par exemple, parce-que les enfants de la Jamaïque sont si pauvres, ils ont besoin de ressources comme des crayons et du papier. “Le taux littéraire jamaïquain est 85%, comparé à celui du Canada qui est 97%.”4 Comme vous pouvez voir, le taux littéraire Jamaïque est plus de dix pour cent moins que celui du Canada. Ceci indique que non seulement est-ce que 85% de la population jamaïquain ne peuvent pas lire, mais principalement qu’il beaucoup moin de la population qui vont a l’école dans la Jamaïque comparée au Canada. Les structures des deux systèmes d'éducation sont également très différentes. En plus, le Canada a beaucoup plus d’écoles que la Jamaïque, avec des équipements meilleurs, principalement parce que le Canada est un pays plus riche et est soutenu plus par le gouvernement et d'autres organismes éducatifs.
Aussi, les examens d'entrée de la Jamaïque sont très différents à ceux du Canada. Le système d'éducation jamaïquain exige de que chaque étudiant prend un examen afin de continuer leur éducation dans l'école secondaire. N'importe quel étudiant au Canada qui a accompli le jardin d'enfants junior jusqu’à la huitième année peuvent s'inscrire dans l'éducation secondaire sans prendre un examen.
Les deux systèmes d'éducation sont clairement différents, pourtant nous ne savons pas la qualité réelle de l'éducation qui est enseigner dans les écoles au Canada comparé aux écoles Jamaïquain, alors elle ne serait pas juste de juger quel système d'éducation est vraiment meilleur, parce qu'il est réellement l'enseignement qui est le facteur important d’un bon système d'éducation, bien que les taux littéraire pourraient être un bon indicateur de ceci. En conclusion, je dirais que le système d'éducation canadien fournirait une system plus structurer pour ses étudiants et que le system d’éducation jamaïquain a besoin de beaucoup plus d’aide du gouvernement pour améliorer leur system d’éducation.
Violence and Drugs
Comparing Jamaica and Canada in terms of drugs and violence is quite an easy task. Looking at the statistics makes it quite obvious to differentiate. I think it’s fair to say that Jamaica has much greater problems in terms of drugs and violence. Jamaica’s population doesn’t come close to Canada’s; however, when it comes to Jamaica’s murder rate and problems, there is no comparison.
Looking further into detail, Canada has a murder rate of 1.83 murders for every 100 000 people while Jamaica has a murder rate of 109 murders for every 100 000.5 Looking at these numbers make it quite obvious. Knowing that the majority of Jamaica’s murders are located in the capital, Kingston, make that area all the more dangerous.
Unfortunately, Jamaica doesn’t have the money to better their community and because the economy is crashing, the government is still struggling to maintain law and order, which makes it even harder to control the growth of the usage of drugs and violence in this country. Jamaica’s government is in serious need of a program educates both the unemployed and the poor. Today, without money, it is almost impossible to create a blooming future, and, if worse comes to worse, it makes it very hard for some to even survive. In cases like Jamaica’s, it’s not the people’s fault that they are born poor and because Jamaica is a poor country, the government will find it hard to set the rules because it’s hard to create firm consequences without the money. With this kind of poverty, Jamaica needs help from other countries that are willing to help set it straight.
Quand je compare la Jamaïque et le Canada en termes de drogues et violence, c’est tout à fait une tâche très facile. Quand j'analyse les statistiques, je pense qu'elle est juste de dire que la Jamaïque a plus de problèmes en termes de drogues et violence. La population de la Jamaïque n’est pas près de la population du Canada; cependant, quand on voit le taux de meurtre et aux problèmes de la Jamaïque, il y a tout à fait une différence.
Le Canada a un taux de meurtre de 1,83 meurtres pour chaque 100 000 personnes tandis que la Jamaïque a un taux de meurtre de 109 meurtres pour chaque 100 000. Quand je regarde ces nombres, la différence est évidente. Puisque je sais que la majorité des meurtres de la Jamaïque sont situées dans la capitale, Kingston, je peux facilement dire que c'est un fait que Kingston est vraiment un endroit dangereux.
Malheureusement, la Jamaïque n'a pas l'argent pour améliorer leur communauté et parce que l'économie est mauvaise, le gouvernement lutte de maintenir la loi et l'ordre, qui le rend plus difficile de commander la croissance de l'utilisation des drogues et de la violence dans ce pays. Le gouvernement de la Jamaïque a vraiment besoin d'un programme qui enseigne les chômeurs et les pauvres. Aujourd'hui, sans argent, il est presque impossible de créer un bon futur, et, si un situation mauvais vient plus mauvais, il est difficile pour quelques personnes à survivre. Dans les situations comme la Jamaïque, ce n'est pas le défaut des personnes qu'elles sont nées pauvres et parce que la Jamaïque est un pays pauvre. Le gouvernement le trouvera difficile de placer les règles parce qu'il est difficile de créer des conséquences fermes sans argent. Avec ce genre de pauvreté, la Jamaïque a besoin de l'aide d'autres pays qui veut améliorer le pays et qui veux réduire la mauvaise utilisation des drogues et de la violence.
1"CIA Factbook,"
4"CIA Factbook for Jamaica,"
5"UNDP Against Violence, Jamaica,"
A Krista de la Rama, Joshua Liu, and Lauren Wood Production | 2002-2003